
Preventative Pet Care: The Importance Of Regular Check-Ups


As a pet owner, it's crucial to proactively safeguard the health and well-being of your beloved furry companions. One of the most crucial aspects of caring for your pets is regular check-ups at the veterinary hospital. Discover why preventive pet care and regular check-ups are crucial for ensuring your furry companion's well-being and keeping them happy and healthy. The Benefits of Preventative Pet Care Preventative pet care is the practice of taking preventive measures to safeguard your pet's health and prevent future illnesses or diseases.

10 October 2023

Vaccinations And Senior Pets: Special Considerations


If you're like most people who share their lives and hearts with a beloved family pet, you naturally want your furry friend to have the best of everything throughout the course of its lifetime — including its golden years. However, although you're probably aware that the healthcare needs of senior pets are different from those of their younger counterparts, you may have questions about how vaccinations fit into their overall wellness plan and what modifications, if any, should be made to their immunization schedule as they age.

6 June 2023

Why Pet Grooming Is Essential And Where To Take Your Pets For Care


When you have pets in your home, it is vital that you keep them clean and well-groomed. Pets that stay in the house more than going outside are easier to keep clean, but pet grooming often includes brushing, trimming, and cleaning your dog or cat, as much for them as for you. Pet grooming services often make it easier on you and less stressful for your pet than you trying to wrestle the dog into a bath or trim your cat's claws.

16 January 2023

What You Can Do to Help Your Cat Recover After Getting Declawed


If you make the choice to declaw your cat, you may feel guilty about the pain or discomfort they may experience after the procedure. Declawing is the act of removing the last knuckle of your cat's feet to permanently keep them from scratching. Modern veterinary medicine allows you to choose a laser removal, which makes the incision site smaller and prevents the need for stitches. You can further make your cat's recovery from claw removal surgery much easier by following these simple tips for aftercare.

28 February 2017

How To Handle Pet Emergencies Prior To Going To The Animal Hospital


Accidents and injuries happen all the time. When it's for a member of your family, you know to rush them to the emergency room, and most times the person can tell you what happened and what hurts. When it's for your pet, it can be more difficult to figure out what has happened, what hurts on them and how to handle the situation. See below for some pet emergencies and how to handle the situation before going to the animal hospital.

28 February 2017

Ouch, My Foot! Pet Paw Protection In Winter Months


Are your dog's paws protected this winter? There are many seasonal hazards that can inflame and irritate your dog's paw pads, and some easy ways to ensure paw protection during the winter. Things that could cause harm to your dog's paws during cooler weather include: The trouble with snow is that it can build up between your dog's toes where it can irritate and chafe. Furthermore, subjecting your dog's feet to a cold, snowy surface for extended periods of time can cause frostbite.

24 February 2017

Clearing Up Confusion: Schedule Your Cat's Spay Today


If you adopted a tiny stray kitten a few years ago, your veterinarian probably advised you to schedule her spay procedure to take place when she was between five and six months of age. Today, if you adopt a two-month-old kitten from an animal shelter, you will discover that she is already spayed. If you are confused about when a kitten should be spayed and whether or not spaying early will have negative consequences to her health later, read on to learn the feline facts of life and why all cats, including indoor cats who have no direct contact with male cats, should be spayed as soon as possible.

24 February 2017

2 Tips That Can Make Boarding Your Pets Easier


One of the most difficult parts about having a pet is being able to travel because not many hotels will allow you to keep a pet in there with you. However, boarding facilities are a great resource that can help you get around this issue. Listed below are two tips that you can follow that will make boarding your pets quite a bit easier. Consider A Single Enclosure For Multiple Pets

24 February 2017

Why It's A Major Health Risk For Your Cat To Not Eat


If your cat has lost its appetite, you have a big problem on your hands. Cats will not eat for a wide variety of reasons -- everything from a simple cold to cancer can potentially cause your cat to lose its appetite. However, cats are particularly susceptible to the downsides of not eating. If your cat won't eat, read on to learn why you need to get them medical care right away.

23 February 2017

4 Things to Do for Your Cat's Spay Procedure


If you have a cat, part of making sure that she stays healthy is making sure that she gets spayed. Cats who are spayed tend to have a longer lifespan and are healthier. So, what do you need to do to get your cat spayed and what should you do after she has been spayed?  Get Vaccinations Before your doctor spays your cat, you want to make sure that she is up to date on all her shots.

23 February 2017